Documentary Films
A searing true story from America’s heartland, “Losing Our Sons” tells of two American families whose lives intersected through a shattering act of violence.
“The J Street Challenge” is an important and timely documentary about a significant issue facing the American Jewish community.
Although at its core, it speaks to the evils of anti-Semitic fervor that plague college campuses around the nation, the film addresses larger issues about intolerance in teh United States.
IRANIUM (Cinematographer)
A timely & powerful documentary presenting the danger posed to the free world by a nuclear Iran.
Includes interviews with Senator John Kyl, R. James Woolsey (Former director of Central Intellegence). Clair Lopez (Former CIA), John Bolton )Former U>S Assistant Secretary, Bernard Lewis (Proffesor Emeritus Princeton Uinversity and one of America's formost experts on the Middle East), Frank Gaffney (Former U.S secretary of efence) and many more.
RELENTLESS (Co Director/Co Editor)
The film explores the cause of the Second Intifada through an examination of compliance with the Declaration of Principles, otherwise known as the Oslo Accords, by Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Features interviews with Itamar Marcus, the director of Palestinian Media Watch, S. El-Herfi, Raanan Gissin, Caroline Glick, John Loftus, Sherri Mandel, Yariv Oppenheimer, Daniel Pipes, Tashbih Sayyed and Natan Sharansky.
PTSD: A FILM BY ONEFAMILY (Cinematographer/Editor)
Interviews with some of Israel's victims of terror who have suffered from PTSD and participated in a weekend workshop with ONEFAMILY.